1.BP is trying to install a dome over the leaking well withhopes of funneling a substantial portion of the oil onto a tanker above.
2.All of these decisions may yet be impacted by GM's ongoing troubles and the pending sale of a substantial portion of Opel as well.
3.However, we can preserve fresh fruit for a few days, meaning that its benefits can be stored for a substantial portion of its life.
4.No matter how we look at it, everyone, including you, agrees that a substantial portion of your article is drawn from mine.
5.Conclusion: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounts for a substantial portion of pregnancy-related mortality.
6.An object big enough to kill off a substantial portion of the earth's population only hits earth about twice every million years.
7.Since they are working on a contingency basis, they stand to gain a substantial portion of any damages.
8.Having a substantial portion of your testing software already in proven configurations makes the work that much easier.
9.A substantial portion of over-the-counter derivatives trading may be moved into clearing houses or exchanges.
10.Business Travelers Business travelers make up a substantial portion of the market.